GOing to class
Continuing my love of trains, grabbing whatever opportunity to snap some photos before jumping on.
Continuing my love of trains, grabbing whatever opportunity to snap some photos before jumping on.
Celebrating South Asian culture on campus. Food, Art, Music, Dancing and more Dancing.
While on campus, I sometimes look for quite places to work, sometimes, they are picture-perfect.
Sometimes, you can get really bored waiting for the bus. What is a photographer to do? Nothing like experimenting with light and shadows.
Sometimes you need to stop, take a walk, and enjoy the colours with some good company. Looks like we weren’t the only ones.
There is just something mesmerizing about a structure that escapes the Toronto skyline and stills tall on its own.
Back when I used to work for an A/V production company, I had a few opportunities to talk photos of setups for marketing and my
The teams were a mix of competitors and not so much, but it was great fun playing a few rounds with those great United Way volunteers and capturing the action.
Our aboriginal office rerected a tipi on campus, and it was a great opportunity to get close and personal.
Working with the international office at my campus give me opertunities to cover cultural event. This time I got to enjoy the food, take in the dancing and capture the moments of our Latin American culture on campus.
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